Is there any common ground in the debate over hydraulic fracturing?  It’s a divisive issue, especially in the U.S., where 90%-plus of all global fracking is done now, pitting neighbor against neighbor. Two weeks ago I wrote about a success story -- How a U.S. Oil Refinery Got Saved -- in which...
I'm off to Dubai for a week of meetings, but I want to leave you with some ideas that should leave you...questioning...The Bear Case on oil. I want to be clear...I'm not a perma-bull on oil.  Far from it.  I'm an investor, and a trader, looking for a trend.  Energy...
To say that it is a “buyer’s market” for oil and gas properties would be an understatement. If you want to buy production or land, prices have come down by half in many areas. This is like going fishing and having the fish swim up to your boat and beg...
Many small exploration and production (E&P) companies could still be worthless even if oil prices rise next year according to RBC Capital Markets.  RBC’s recent energy note—Surviving The Downdraft--looked at the prospects for 29 US and Canadian small cap stocks. They are what I call The Zombie Stocks—The Walking Dead. ...
When I saw this energy company, I couldn’t believe it.  Here is a company with: no long term debt $30 million cash growing EBITDA (cash flow) When I rushed out to buy the stock, it was paying me a double digit yield. That’s right—over 10%--on a payout ratio of under 60%. And trading at just...
You can read a lot on the breakeven price for oil right now.  I think a lot of what you read now is missing the point--because I think the breakeven price for oil isn't all about economics.  There's a human element to this (and every) trade. I think the breakeven...
Will Canadian natural gas producers fill up Canadian storage for the first time ever this year?  And does that mean Canadian gas prices completely collapse to zero? Who decides how much gas a producer can ship to market in that case? Canadian gas storage market is very close to being...
What are the Fathers of the Shale Revolution doing now? You would be surprised—I sure was.  The main part of the technical team from Mitchell Energy—which combined fracking and horizontal drilling to start The Shale Revolution in Texas’ Barnett Shale in 1998—is now working for a 15 cent junior in...