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Can the Bakken produce one million barrels a day of oil? If so, it would join an elite group of oil fields able to produce at that rate. Only six other fields, including Saudi Arabia's famed Ghawar field, have ever topped 1 million barrels per day--they are Burgan (Kuwait), Cantarell...
It's strange but true – some of the best performing energy stocks in Canada have been the junior GAS stocks. And there is also an argument that the future may be brighter than previously thought for a select few gas stocks. All these stocks have three things in common: 1.      They have...
The Saudis want control of the oil market back, and they are lowering prices to weed out the high cost producers. But I found a western producer with even lower costs per barrel than the Saudis. That’s right—someone who beat them at their own game.  Just like the Saudis, this company...
Everyone knows that Iraq is an important oil producing country. But Iraq is more than just important, it is critical. Iraq is so important that in October of 2012 the International Energy Agency (IEA) released a report called “World Energy Special Outlook On Iraq”. In that report the IEA concluded that in 2035 oil prices would be...
Logistics are a bigger piece of the energy pie than ever before—especially rail.  Most energy investors are familiar now with the huge rise in crude-by-rail; getting Canadian and Bakken crude to the east and west coast refineries in the United States. It saved the profit margins for many oil producers,...
How to Find and Play the 10-Baggers Abroad - Part 1 What were the oil stocks that made me the biggest profits in 2010? It was junior oil stocks with international plays.  Companies like Xcite Energy (XEL-TSXv) that went from 62 cents to $6 last year with a heavy oil play...
The North American oil market is going through a fundamental change that will affect the price of oil for the rest of this decade—fast-rising shale oil supplies from North Dakota and Texas. (Other shale oil plays will contribute as well, but none will come close to the revolution happening in...