The Energy Sector is having a RED day; a down day as oil prices re-trench.  Oil is supposed to do that at this time of year--the shoulder season between summer driving season and winter heating. But it always makes me re-think my investing strategies.  So right NOW--if I had to--where...
WHY DOES RICK SOUND SO HAPPY IN THIS ENERGY MARKET? INTERVIEW WITH RICK RULE, SPROTT US HOLDINGS INC. Rick Rule is a naturally happy guy, despite being immersed in one of the most depressed parts of the economy right now.  I’ve known Rick for almost two decades, and it was his...
Dear OGIB Reader, There are two trends in the Canadian energy patch in the last three weeks that have been making money for investors – but the question is, do they have legs? Can the uptrends continue? The first and most obvious is natural gas. After doubling in price between April...
My annual Vancouver conference is less than one month away--Thursday October 8.  Besides meeting the CEOs of some of the best junior producers in Canada, I have TWO speakers I'm very excited about: 1. VIVIAN KRAUSE Ms. Krause follows the money like nobody else in the resource sector--except she's not following...
AUTOMATION IS COMING TO CANNABISLOWER COSTS COULD DRAMATICALLYREDUCE COSTS / INCREASE CASH FLOWS  You and I have had an incredible year with the junior gold stocks that I have been bringing you on a regular basis. So many big winners……..Now it is time to pivot to another sector that is...
The Coming Energy Infrastructure Overcapacity Glut October 1, 2015 By: Bill Powers When free money is thrown at any part of the energy industry for a long enough length of time, the natural boom bust cycle can be taken to extremes and massive distortions can develop. Due to unprecedented access to all forms...
The Biggest Wins in the Market either come from a) buying the leaders in an industry and staying with them b) turn-around stocks--typically broken companies on the mend – and unique, high-growth small-cap stocks. There’s another newsletter that specializes in this—very successfully.  It’s Fabrice Taylor’s President’s Club.  For the last five years,...
Everyone in the oilpatch is now nervous that the United States could run out of oil storage capacity.  This “storage issue” is now Big News, and is driving light oil prices in the US—WTI—to fresh six year lows of $42-ish a barrel. I see a lot of copy on the...