Two catalysts just ratcheted up investor interest in west coast LNG—Liquefied Natural Gas. One was the re-election of the centre-right Liberal party in British Columbia in May.  The second catalyst came in mid-June, when Malaysia’s Petronas announced it wants to spend $16 billion—as fast as government approvals will allow—to ship...
Last week and this week I look at two ag commodities--phosphate and this week -- POTASH. Prices are soaring--but is this the peak of the cycle? If you only looked at the supply and demand of the potash market, you would come away thinking its balanced. Potash demand is expected to...
UNIQUE PRODUCT, BRILLIANT STRATEGYNew CEO Explains The Perfect Set-Up forBeyond Tobacco   I have rarely had my eyes opened in a CEO interview like I did last Friday with new TAAT (TAAT-CSE) CEO Setti Coscarella. The way he outlined the product positioning and marketing plan for TAAT’s Beyond Tobacco cigarettes—no tobacco, no...
Great Investors Share One Trait – They Wait For The Fat Pitch (Exactly Like This One) If you want to be a really good investor, you need to be able to do one thing really well: Sit on your hands and do nothing. It sounds easy, but it is the hardest thing...
It has been a rough couple of months for the shareholders of the big four frac sand suppliers. At the start of 2017 everyone--including me--was buying into the bullish story for these companies based on the industry trend of sand, sand and more sand.  Sand has been the #1 efficiency...
With supply issues and politics, agriculture stocks are a legitimate investor trend now. From upstream farming & fertilizer stocks to downstream grocery stores (are you seeing the food inflation numbers right now??) the Market will be paying a lot more attention to this sector for a few years. This week...
There is a huge catalyst in the lucrative lithium market right now.  It’s something that the entire global industry—and the investors behind it—are watching and waiting to happen.Somebody, somewhere, sometime, is going to perfect DLE—Direct Lithium Extraction from underground brines.Below, I have one of the world experts on DLE and lithium...
Psychological fears of an oil glut are have caused oil prices to drop from $55-$48.  But there is some fundamental  economic factors that suggest this price drop will be short lived. So far in 2017, U.S. crude oil inventories have increased 49.38 million barrels to 528.39 million barrels as the...