How do investors play the LNG boom that is still in the early stages in Canada? Many investors believe the opportunity is far off. After all, most of the projects are still in the application phase—it will be years before they get built and start selling cargos. But National Bank energy...
In a bull market when energy stocks are flying and everybody is making money—like the first eight months of 2014—investors don’t care about what I’m going to tell you now. It would have been a waste of my time to write this story in January 2014. But now it’s different; everybody...
Logistics are a bigger piece of the energy pie than ever before—especially rail.  Most energy investors are familiar now with the huge rise in crude-by-rail; getting Canadian and Bakken crude to the east and west coast refineries in the United States. It saved the profit margins for many oil producers,...
Is the energy sector under-reporting oil demand?  Some recent research suggests that's possible—potentially by a lot—as in 1.2 million barrels of oil per day (bopd). For oil bulls, that's not enough right now to sway oil prices.  But it could mean the market is tighter than everyone thinks. And that wouldn’t...
Dear OGIB Reader, The cheapest and most profitable oil North America has ever seen is now “flooding” into the market, as producers once again use old technology to create a wave of new profits. Producers are using “waterfloods”—pushing water into underground formations to flush a large amount of oil out to...
Last week we discussed why water is one of the industry’s biggest threats... AND one of investors’ biggest opportunities. To illustrate the problem, consider that well over 90% of the U.S. onshore produced water generated by the oil and gas industry is disposed into an Underground Injection well (UIC)/salt water...
We are witnessing the birth of an entire new global industry, right before our eyes — liquefied natural gas (LNG). Like oil, LNG is now shipped all over the world. It has become one of the most profitable parts of the global energy patch.  Shipping LNG is the most profitable sector...
by +Keith Schaefer There’s always a bull market in energy—you just have to know which sub-sector to buy. So where do my subscribers and I make money right now? You might be surprised by the answer...but first some context... In Q3 2103, oil producers in North America were the place to be, as...