Trading mistakes.  Looking back on 2015, I made the same ones! (Visual—bang head against wall repeatedly).  I’m going to tell you what I did wrong and what I did right in 2015, and where I see The Big Money being made in energy in 2016. The key to investing of...
The Coming Energy Infrastructure Overcapacity Glut October 1, 2015 By: Bill Powers When free money is thrown at any part of the energy industry for a long enough length of time, the natural boom bust cycle can be taken to extremes and massive distortions can develop. Due to unprecedented access to all forms...
Wunderlich Securities recently raised the price target for Approach Resources Inc. (AREX:NASDAQ) by $3 to $41, to reflect updates the company made to its mid-year reserves estimate of 66.8 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe).
The energy sector is such a typical American-Canadian contrast.  It's like the Americans love to shoot guns, and the Canadians love to dodge bullets.
 In the USA, the Shale Revolution has turned the American energy industry upside down with huge new supplies of natural gas and light oil. 
 They have reversed...
On December 13, 2018 Pioneer Resources (PXD:NYSE) announced a whopper of a share buyback program – $2 billion, up from the existing program that covered re-purchases of up to only $100 million. Great news for shareholders right? I’m not so sure. I’m feeling feisty this Christmas. In fact I’m going to play a...
These are dark days for the ethanol industry.  It's very much a different story from 2013-2015, when Green Plains (GPRE-NASD) was a great investment, and one of my biggest wins.  It went from $4-$48 in two years, and I caught the run from $9-$30. Ethanol is gasoline made from corn,...
by +Keith Schaefer There’s always a bull market in energy—you just have to know which sub-sector to buy. So where do my subscribers and I make money right now? You might be surprised by the answer...but first some context... In Q3 2103, oil producers in North America were the place to be, as...
THE MACRO DILEMMA - PART 2 By Cory Mitchell, CMT Part 1 suggested the macro force of “peak oil” which will constrain global oil supplies, will push the price of oil higher.  Yet if peak oil occurs, it implies peak debt and GDP. Without GDP growth, a stagnant economy implies...