Which energy stocks are above their
-50 day moving average
-100 day moving average
-200 day moving average?
The answer--not too many. But the few that are have one simple connecting thread—they are all the recognized leaders in their field.
But I try to differentiate them even further. I own a lot of the...
or....Deep Panuke Part II
By Bill Powers
Part I is here.
Natural gas discoveries in offshore Nova Scotia were supposed to help supply New England with years and years of natural gas supply. But Exxon has already left the area (Sable Island) and Encana’s reservoirs...
Why EnCana’s Deep Panuke Problems Matter for New England
By: Bill Powers
Encana Corporation (ECA-NYSE/TSX) got lucky with high gas prices for its Deep Panuke project offshore Nova Scotia—but the failure of that play does not bode well for New England natural gas prices.
Along with Exxon’s Sable Island Energy Project (SOEP), also...
Logistics are a bigger piece of the energy pie than ever before—especially rail. Most energy investors are familiar now with the huge rise in crude-by-rail; getting Canadian and Bakken crude to the east and west coast refineries in the United States.
It saved the profit margins for many oil producers,...
Everyone in the oilpatch is now nervous that the United States could run out of oil storage capacity. This “storage issue” is now Big News, and is driving light oil prices in the US—WTI—to fresh six year lows of $42-ish a barrel.
I see a lot of copy on the...
Everyone knows that Iraq is an important oil producing country. But Iraq is more than just important, it is critical.
Iraq is so important that in October of 2012 the International Energy Agency (IEA) released a report called “World Energy Special Outlook On Iraq”.
In that report the IEA concluded that in 2035 oil prices would be...
The Set-Up: In February 2014 I wrote a story on how the US arm of brokerage Raymond James saw a lot of negatives for Canadian natural gas. Longer term that could be true but in this article OGIB guest writer Shaun Polczer—who was formerly an energy writer at the Calgary...
Consider this:
-In 2013, the UK had the coldest spring since 1963.
-In March 2013, Northern Japan received record snowfall--up to 16 ft thick just south of Aomori.
-In October 2013, the worst frost in more than 80 years hit Chile and damaged 50 million boxes of fruit for export—damages were over...