RICK RULE INTERVIEW PART II Keith:    Rick, in the first part of our interview we talked about the state of the energy market now, and what some of the opportunities are. But let’s talk details for a second—you’re aiming to come in somewhat as a lender of last resort in a...
There are very few business models that work in the energy patch right now—especially upstream, where the producers are.  The industry produces too much oil globally and too much natural gas in North America—that oversupply has driven prices into the ground. Even in the downstream  markets—where the refineries are—they have...
You know the kind of stocks I like? 1)    Stocks that have lots of upside, and almost no downside. 2)    Stocks with high profit margins 3)    Stocks that increase their dividend 4)    Stocks that are riding the Global Wave of an Unstoppable Force. I’ve found the stock that fits all these criteria.  In fact this company is doing...
There’s just one stock that interests me at this time of year. This is The Most Wonderfully Inefficient Time of the Year for the stock market.  It’s tax-loss-selling season. But I’m not running out buying any big basket of energy stocks.  The selling may be overdone, but it can stay overdone for a...
Tell me if you know Steve. Steve is a family man.   He lives his life in a way that makes his parents proud. He is hard working, spends 50 hours a week on the job so that his wife and kids can afford a nice house in a good neighborhood. Steve doesn’t...
I asked my good friend Dave Blais, who trades gold and silver stocks full time, to provide an update on what he sees happening in the gold market, in follow up to the last piece he penned for OGIB readers several weeks ago. The frustrating under-performance...
I love speaking at investment conferences.  I learn so much from the subscribers and investors that I meet there. One of my subscribers is a landman from Wyoming, a former professional rodeo rider who flew up to see me at the Calgary Resource Investment Conference last weekend.  I sat wide...