The Shale Revolution Is Now Happening in Lithium


Do you know what the Shale Revolution was?

It was a combination of two very old, very well-known technologies—horizontal drilling and fracking, or hydraulic fracturing. It turned the entire global oil market on its head, and the natgas market in North America as well.

They were  put together by the entrepreneurial team at Mitchell Energy, which was quickly bought out by Devon once they had the new combined technology working well.

The lithium industry is about to undergo a similar revolution.

And I have found the “Mitchell Energy of Lithium”.  They are a highly innovative team of PhDs and mineral processing experts who have found The Holy Grail: being able to cheaply extract lithium from underground lakes.

These salty, dirty, brackish brines hold BILLIONS (and likely Trillions) of gallons of water with lithium elements.  Like most metals and hydrocarbons, there’s lots  of them; it’s getting the permits and the capital to get them out of the ground economically that’s the hard part.

There are mineral companies that “mine” these brines now for other elements and salts.  What’s happening now is that some pioneering lithium teams are racing to tweak the current methods to focus on lithium—now that it’s worth US$14,000 per ton.

What’s happening here is—again, several well-known, tried-and-tested technologies are being assembled in a way that will open up a massive new source of lithium.  It will change the global cost curve.

It will create Big Winners—and Big Losers.  For investors willing to do their research, there are millions of dollars on the table here.  You just have to be among the first to reach out and grab them before everyone else does.

You can reach for my full report on this stock—the Mitchell Energy of Lithium–by clicking HERE.


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