Six Top CEOs Tell Their Story


When you talk to management teams of public companies directly, you get a lot more colour on the company…and of course, on who the CEO is as a person. It helps you decide if the company and stock are a good fit for you.  Institutions get that luxury all the time.  Retail investors like most of my subscribers…not so much.

That’s what makes my twice-yearly Subscriber Investment Summits (SIS) so valuable–we bring out some of the best teams in the junior space to meet with my paid subscribers.  One month ago, on March 5 in Toronto, we had over 300 investors come into Toronto to go face-to-face with these CEOs.  We sprinkle in a couple hedge fund managers to give perspective from the buy side, and it makes for a highly entertaining and educational one day event.

Below you will see videos of 6 junior energy CEOs from that day telling my paid subscribers all about their public company–and why my subscribers should invest in their company.

These are all very well run companies who can survive the current low price environment, with at least one flagship asset–low cost, big size–that gives them huge upside leverage to rising oil or natgas prices.

1. Richard Thompson of Marquee Energy (MQL-TSXv; MQLXF-PINK)

Thompson showed great stealth in accumulating a huge contiguous (all-together) land package in the Michichi play just northeast of Calgary.  In a very competitive basin, this was a huge coup.  Thompson explains how he did it, and goes through the low-cost economics of Michichi.

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2. Brian Schmidt of Tamarack Valley (TVE-TSX; TNEYF-PINK)

Schmidt has done something remarkable–put together a package of wells that have 1.5 year payouts at just $35/b WTI.  His strict cost controls, strong hedges and ability to create efficiencies have made Tamarack Valley a “go-to” name for energy investors.

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3. Painted Pony Petroleum (PPY-TSX: PDPYF-PINK)

CEO Pat Ward’s foresight in developing low-cost land packages early has kept share dilution low and equity valuation high.  He was early into the Saskatchewan Bakken and sold that to Crescent Point for $100 million just before the oil price collapsed.  His all-in costs on his Montney natural gas is now under $1/mcf.  Remarkable.

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4. Renaissance Oil (ROE-TSXv; RNSFF-PINK)

CEO Craig Steinke and Chairman Ian Telfer did their homework on the recent bidding round in Mexico, and were the ONLY Canadian company to win concessions.  They instantly became a producer, and are leveraging their new “insider” status in Mexico to prepare for more acquisitions.

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5. Lithium X Energy (LIX-TSXv; LIXXF-OTC)

Chairman Paul Matysek, CEO Brian Paes Braga and financier Frank Giustra have assembled a management team and property portfolio that should develop into the largest lithium junior in the world.  I originally profiled this story at 45 cents/share, and it now trades great volume at $1.30 as investors realize the fundamental supply-demand for lithium for the next 18-24 months is very bullish.

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NexGen’s stock has more than doubled since the February Subscriber Summit.  This uranium explorer (uranium is used in energy!) has announced stellar results from their Saskatchewan property.  This shallow asset will be one of the largest and high grade uranium assets ever found.  CEO Leigh Curyer tells the story here.


March 5 in Toronto was our best event ever.  As we build our brand, more CEOs want to bypass analyst interpretations, and take their story directly to active retail investors.  It’s all about putting retail investors on the same information level as the institutions.  It’s a very empowering day.

JOIN US–our next conference is Tuesday October 11 in Vancouver.  You can sign up now at  Sign up HERE.

Keith Schaefer

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