You Want to Know How to Time Energy Stocks?


Opportunity Is Knocking In The Energy Sector – Are You Prepared To Answer?

On July 8, 2014 I made an incredibly prescient investment decision. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was a huge moment in my investment career.

That decision is documented in this e-mail that I sent to my subscriber base….

My sense is that commodity prices have peaked for now—both oil and natural gas.  When I was a younger man, I used to believe my stockpicking was so good my stocks could withstand the Market—after all, I have the best growth stocks on the board.

Yeah, right.

Age has taught me 75% of stocks go up and down with the Market, (as does the number of my subscribers) and even though I DO have good stocks, they follow trends.


1…..Being as I love to sell stock anyway

2…..Being as I think commodity prices have a short to medium term peak here

3…..When seniors drop 10%, juniors drop 30%

4…..It’s summer

5…..I’m in decent-to-big profit positions on some of these stocks

I’m taking profits…….
Sometimes you are lucky, and sometimes you are good. I don’t know which one describes my decision to begin liquidating almost my entire portfolio starting on July 8, 2014……

And I don’t really care.

Because I avoided a once-in-a-decade meltdown and so did the subscribers who followed my lead.

crude oil

I rode the market up through the peak at the end of June and started cashing out when I saw the writing on the wall.

And it gets better….

I get to take all that cash that I’ve been sitting on and invest it into incredible profit opportunities.

I’m now sitting on the biggest war chest of cash that I’ve ever had in my life and I’m staring at opportunities that I couldn’t have imagined six months ago.

Stocks that were selling for $10 in June are now under $5. Stocks that were at $5 are under $2.

And it isn’t just the stock prices of the second tier companies that have been hammered.

Junior oil players with some of the best assets in North America are now selling for a fraction of what they were six months ago.

These are companies that are sitting on land in plays that have the best economics in the business; oil plays that make money and allow companies to grow even $70 oil.

The market is in panic mode. Great companies are being sold off just as heavily as marginal companies. Whether margin calls are forcing this selling or if it is just raw, unbridled fear…. I don’t know.

Again, I don’t care….I just know I’ve got an incredible opportunity coming my way.

CLICK HERE to move on this right now.

I love having all this cash. I’ve been spending night and day figuring out which opportunities I’m going to jump on and exactly when the best time to do it will be.

I’ve created a list of the best companies in the industry that I intend to buy in the coming months when the timing is right.

And my subscribers are going to be right there with me when I do.

I rode the market out in the first half of 2014 and started cashing out right at the peak. I’m confident that I’m going to get back in very close to the bottom.

It is in the midst of panics like today where investments can be made that will change lives.

And I’m speaking from experience.

I’ve seen an opportunity like this once before and I jumped on it with both feet. It didn’t just make me a little bit of money….it literally did change my life.

In March 2009 with oil prices hitting $30 per barrel I knew without a doubt that there was one of those “blood in the streets moments” where fortunes could be made in the oil sector.

I wasn’t sure I’d ever see an opportunity like this again, so I didn’t just buy a few oil stocks.

I quit my secure job, opened my portfolio to subscribers and dedicated myself full time to investing in this sector.

My timing could not have been better. From that March 2009 start date when I opened my portfolio to subscribers I’ve found 43 separate triple digit stock winners.

My first pick, Pacific Rubiales, went from $9-$36. My second was Coastal Energy, which went from $2.50-20. Third was Painted Pony, which went from $1.75-$8. The fourth was Tri-Star, which was bought out a month later for a 40% gain.

Now it is time to add a significant number of new multi-bagger wins to that list. I can’t believe that I’m getting another 2009 type opportunity….but here it is.

There’s maximum pessimism, and I’m going to take advantage of it.

I’ve warned my wife to not expect to see me much in the coming months because now is the time to do your homework…..

Now is the time to spend every waking moment finding exactly which companies are going to be the biggest winners from the depths of this panic…

I’ve spent last five plus years dedicated full time to finding the best junior producers and service companies in North America. That puts me in the perfect position, because these junior companies are the ones that have had their stock prices hardest hit.

I know this sector inside and out. I know which companies are going to not only survive a period of low oil prices but will be in a position to thrive as they gobble up assets from the weaker players.

Don’t get me wrong—today is not the time to be jumping in front of the freight train and buying stocks. That time is near, but we aren’t quite there yet.

Now is the time to get ready the list of stocks that you want to buy when that moment comes.

I did a pretty good job of assessing when to get out of the market this summer, and when the moment to aggressively get back in comes I’ll sound the bell for my subscribers.

I’ve recently updated my full company reports on 3 of the very best junior oil producers and am ready to share them with you.


These are 3 of the companies that I know I’m doing to buy when that critical moment comes. I’m just waiting for the precise moment to do so. You can get a free look at these reports now.

Opportunity is knocking. Oil prices aren’t going to stay at this level forever. Futures prices are already pointing to $80/barrel. There are billions and billions of people in the emerging world that consume more oil every day.

I don’t know if this current dip is going to last for two months or a year, but I do know that every year the world consumes roughly a million barrels of oil more than it did before. And global oil production naturally declines about 6%–that’s over four million NEW barrels a day that must be found and put on production every year.

The current state of oversupply is going to disappear.

The question isn’t if oil prices will rebound, the question is when.

I’ve been working up to this moment full time for almost six years. I’ve got the research already prepared for you and I have more ideas coming.

Everyone knows opportunity is knocking in the energy sector. Let me help you focus in on the very best of those opportunities.

Now is the time to act, and you should start with my free report on what I think are the best three junior companies in this market.

Oil doesn’t have to go up for these stocks to go up. Sentiment is so negative and uncertainty so high, that oil just has to stop dropping for these stocks to get a big lift up. I consider these the stocks where the easy money gets made as oil settles into a new price range.

Learn about them NOW; don’t let the Market catch you by surprise and leave you longing for profit.

+Keith Schaefer

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