OPEC says–“America First”


Who is saying “America First” when it comes to oil?

OPEC is!  And it means US oil stocks—especially in the Permian Basin in Texas–should have a great run in the coming months.

It’s so simple—let me explain.

The rising oil price is now pricing in a production cut of 1 million barrels a day or more from OPEC.

The Permian is the only US oilfield that makes GREAT money at US$50 oil.  Other basins may get by—but the Permian has excellent returns at that price.

OPEC is basically standing aside and opening the door for Permian oil producers to increase production by 1 million barrels a day—and they will be rushing in to fill that gap.

Land prices in the Permian have soared.  Stock prices in the Permian have soared.

But thanks to OPEC, the next leg up in Permian valuations—for both land and stocks—is now coming.

My favourite Permian stock has not one but TWO major catalysts coming—I expect both to happen in the next 6 weeks—before year end.

Both catalysts are massive game changers for this company—they will completely re-rate the stock.

My subscribers and I have been waiting for months—but the time is here.  I know there is great value in this stock—its neighbor was just bought for almost $50,000 per acre.

And now I expect these two catalysts to monetize that value for me—in a very, very short period of time.  Get the name and symbol of this Permian player right HERE:

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