My Next Big Win—Right On Time


My experience is that in the stock market, wealth is built in steps.

My portfolio is flat for 12-18 months, and then a Big Win comes.  Flat again, then Big Win.  Repeat.

(The hard part of investing is keeping that money, during the flat times.)

Big Wins actually come along regularly; every 2-3 years in my experience.

It has been just over two years since my last Big Win—Pacific Ethanol, which I bought in November 2013 at $3/share.

Nine months later it was $23/share and my wife was half a million dollars richer.

And right on cue, my next Big Win has showed up, just over two years later.

That’s right now.  I think I’m staring my next Big Win right in the face, right now.

I’ve followed the business for just over a year.  Revenue is soaring.

That’s because there are very few businesses the world actually needs—but this is one of them.

This stock is my next step up.  If you miss this, it could be another two years.  Don’t wait.

Step up to new riches, RIGHT HERE.

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