Oil Stocks Traded Better Than You Think Yesterday


Oil stocks traded REALLY well yesterday.  You could just say ‘DUH!’ but there’s more to it than that.

Through the day, weakness—what little of it there was—was bought. Stocks opened higher and kept running.  Most closed at or near their highs.

The Biggest Gains were reserved for those stocks that had the biggest short positions—usually those with either high debt levels or a high cost of production.

But next set of stocks to get Big Love From The Market…are the high quality small caps.  Those with good land positions in the best plays.

Like my favourite right now, which also is fracking its first Permian well in the next two weeks.

It’s not just in the Permian, it’s in the best part of the Delaware Basin where Silver Hill was just bought, and where Resolute Energy (REN-NYSE; $3-$33 in five months) is.

It’s the biggest potential mover I see on the board right now.  Get the name and symbol HERE.

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