Huge Play. First well. Results Soon. Here it is:


Where should you drill for oil?

How about right beside a deposit that has produced 850 million barrels so far?

And what if you had one of the most successful teams in the history of junior energy drilling it—a team that has built and sold juniors before and already made hundreds of millions of dollars for shareholders?

I’m making that bet.  I expect the first update on this drill program when the company announces their next quarterly results in a few weeks.

Their last well was a gusher—several thousand barrels a day.  It paid out in just six months—at oil prices less than $50/b.  Every other junior producer is ecstatic with 18 month paybacks on their wells.

This drill program—the first in this new play right beside an 850 million barrel play—is a game changer for this company and this stock.  To me, this play has more impact even at $50 oil than anything I see anywhere in the world right now. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

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