Welcome to Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin

To read your new report,The Bakken’s “Best-kept Secret” Oil Stock, simply click this link to open the report in .PDF format.

You’ll also shortly begin receiving my Oil & Gas Investments Bulletin Free Alerts, which detail my favorite investment opportunities… as well as those I’m following closely on my watch list. Typically I’ll send out my Alerts one to two times per week.

One thing I want you to understand, though…

This is not your normal free investment newsletter, and I’m not your normal investment writer…

In fact, when you hear from me, you know you’ll be getting something few others can deliver:

Actionable investment insights you can use right away to start making money in the oil & gas markets.

The biggest gains will come from those undervalued O&G companies that gobble up land rights, utilize horizontal fracking technologies, and get bought out by the majors.

They’ll also come from the new energy services sector — one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world today. These are the fracking companies, the drillers, and other niche companies filling a much-needed void in the oil & gas industry. Most of them are in major demand right now.

You see, every week in my Oil & Gas Investments Bulletin, I write about the plays, trades and trends that I think will make my readers better, smarter and richer investors.

One more thing – Because I keep membership small and tightly focused, I tend to hear from readers often. And one of the frequent messages I get from them is how they trust my take on the markets… and that it doesn’t take great risks to make great money with your investments.

I hope you benefit greatly from my Free Alerts. In the meantime, feel free to browse the web site (www.oilandgas-investments.com) to get acquainted with my research.

To your wealth,

Keith Schaefer
Publisher, Oil & Gas Investments Bulletin

P.S.  Keep a look-out in your email inbox for my Energy 101 Primer: How To Invest in Oil & Gas Stocks. This comprehensive report includes a detailed overview of each sector in the oil & gas industry, along with the “20 Questions & Answers” I use in my own portfolio research to figure out the potential of any energy company.