Panel on Pennsylvania State Senate Approves Preliminary Marcellus Legislation


On October 26, a Pennsylvania State Senate panel approved the latest updates to preliminary Marcellus Shale legislation. The amendment, which received unanimous support from the members of the panel, removed the drilling fee and enhanced the state's environmental regulations through various provisions, according to The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

The provisions contained in the legislation involve the disclosure of mixtures used in fracking activities, public water sources and wells and an increase in the bonding fee that drillers must pay the Department of Environmental Protection, the media outlet reports.

The recent alterations represent crucial progress towards passing the final bill, Joe Scarnati, Senate President Pro Tempore told the media outlet.

Discussion of how to collect revenue from drillers is expected to continue this week, and proposals surrounding an impact fee will be added to the text of the legislation before it receives a vote next week, according to the media outlet.

Governor Tom Corbett announced earlier in the month that he planned to implement impact fees for each well drilled in the state after various polls showed public support for such a measure, according to The Patriot News.  

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