Be A SuperStar Energy Investor in 5 Minutes


It has been two years since I was earnestly combing through junior oil producers to find the best investment. But now that oil prices have moved up from $26-$46/barrel since mid-February, there are—believe it or not—a (very) few junior producers who can grow production within cash flow at these prices.

I’ve spent the last two years mostly investing in refineries and SmartGrid stocks—all “downstream” investments. Now could be the time to study the “upstream” producers again.

In this 5 min video, I tell you my top research points. What am I looking for in corporate powerpoints and company financials? And what are the key questions I want to ask management?

There’s no sales pitch here, it’s just a short educational video that prepares you to start investing in junior producers again—without being bamboozled by statistics.

– Keith

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