Ride with the Bulls – Stock Picking


Meeting management is key.  To ride the  Big Bulls—those stocks that just keep going up—meeting the CEO gives you that extra conviction to hang on for big capital gains.

The 200+ investors who heard the CEOs of OGIB companies got that opportunity on Saturday, March 1st, at the Subscriber Investment Summit in Toronto.

They also got a chance to win $1000 cash after listening to everyone—and now you get to play too.  More on that in a minute.

We had people from all over the Eastern Seaboard at the show.  One couple drove up from Maryland.  Pete flew in from Chicago.  Tom came in from Maine (he owned a lot of my ethanol stocks).  Marie flew in from Halifax.  I talked to two gents who got up at 430 am that day in Saskatoon (where it was -50 with the wind chill) and caught the 6 am flight to Toronto just to be with us.

And Gene from Minnesota came—he was one of my original subscribers back in 2009.  And of course, my friend Olivier flew in from Belgium, as he has every year.

I love meeting subscribers, and hearing their stories about stocks that made them a lot of money or caused grief.  There’s a story behind every stock tick in the market.

Now back to the prizes! This year, we did an online stock picking contest , and after listening to the eight oil and gas CEOs, attendees entered which three stocks they believe will perform the best in the coming 12 months.  We will be handing out the $1000 first prize at cash at the beginning of next year’s Summit—and the free one year subscription.

And now you get to play too, online and for free.
We have teamed up www.stockpools.com –so you can see which eight OGIB companies presented, and after doing some of your own research, can determine which three you think will do best.

I had both service companies and producers present—and they were both domestic and international.  So there is a wide range to choose from.

Attendees at the SIS only heard 10 minute presentations—nobody was able to go through their entire powerpoint.  But attendees get two hours of one-on-one time to meet and speak with the CEOs.

And that’s what makes the Subscriber Investment Summit so powerful—energy companies mostly only do institutional shows, and rely on the brokerage firm analysts who cover them to reach retail investors.

But brokerage firms are paid to be bullish.  Meeting the team yourself can save you or make you a lot of money, without that layer of interpretation in between.

That’s why next March, you should come out—and win $1000.

So there is a small catch (of course).  You had to show up at the SIS event to win the $1000.  But you can win the free year subscription.

The pool starts on April 7, 2014 and ends February 20, 2015.  I will be sending out periodic updates letting everyone know who leading winners.  It’s all free, online, no credit cards or paypal or anything—just fun. I’ve known the principals of www.stockpools.com personally for ten years, and in a previous life worked at the desk right beside them.  Solid people.

The link for the pool is below. First, here is the list of companies eligible, in alphabetical order, and a quick synopsis:
Canamax Energy (CAC-TSXv; DTEYD-PINK) has gone from zero to over 500 boepd since forming last August. Small land package in the same prolific Brazeau play that has rocketed DeeThree to $9. Key player-Kevin Adair  www.canamaxenergy.ca

Enterprise Group (E-TSX; ETOLF-PINK) is a fast growing energy services company in western Canada.  Higher than average profit margins.  Key player—Len Jaroszuk.  www.enterprisegrp.ca

Entrec Corp (ENT-TSX; ENTCF-PINK) is an oilsands service company with great LNG optionality—they own the largest crane operator on the central west coast. Key player—John Stevensonwww.entrec.com

High North Resources (HN-TSXv; HNTHF-PINK) is developing an oil play in the Montney formation in Alberta, where neighbours are getting 1 year paybacks (which is very fast!) Key player—Colin Soareswww.highnorthresources.com

Iona Energy (INA-TSX) was the fastest growing oil junior I saw in 2013, and the stock still trades 1x cash flow—with their latest offshore well paying out in a year.  Key player—Neil Carson www.ionaenergy.com

Madalena Ventures (MVN-TSX; MDLNF-PINK) is the leading junior in Argentina’s Vaca Muerta shale—which looks to be 3-5x as productive as the Bakken.  Key player—Ray Smith www.madalenaenergy.com

Manitok Energy—(MEI-TSX; MKRYF-PINK) is almost unique in western Canada with its focus on old-style conventional oil pools in the Alberta foothills. 8-12 month payouts on wells.  Key player—Massimo Geremia  www.manitok.com

RDX Technologies—(RDX-TSXv; RGDEF-PINK) has a waste-water-to-fuel technology that is not only commercial but generating positive cash flow. It’s like turning straw into gold and it’s happening now.  www.rdxh2o.com

Here is the link to join the pool now:


Good Luck!

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